you know what i hate most about insomnia? the fact i have it. on the plus side, this is the most peaceful time in the house - even the cats are snoring. no kids running around, no housework tapping me on the shoulder, no important people to speak to - just me. on the other hand, just being me is pretty boring - it's all well and good having thoughts, plans and ideas - but there's no one to discuss them with, and i make a lousy debate partner for myself.
once again, the reasons for being wide awake at an ungodly hour are beyond me. had a relaxing day, just chilling, playing daoc, kids were fairly good - right up until we said bedtime at 7pm - they managed to muck around till 9pm before we finally decided to staple them to their beds. we spent a few hours today playing with our friends on daoc - both me and jo are addicted, and we are both members of the same guild - the dragon-fighters - and most of us are certifiable! on the plus side, for some reason, the guildmasters and officers decided i would be a good candidate to become an officer, and at 11pm this evening, i was promoted! hehe ok - this doesn't mean much to 90% of the people reading this, but i'm happy :)
ack - i can't get to sleep! i sooo want to sleep - i feel tired, my eyes are droopy, but my body is just not having it. i've had some warm milk (which i love anyway!) and have taken some tablets that usually knock me out, but nothing. i have stuff going through my mind, but then, i always do! it's not even particually important stuff, not enough to keep me awake... plan a guild hunt, write a d&d adventure, what would i do with a million pounds, did they really capture saddam today, will one of the saddam-a-likes go onto iraq tv and proclaim it's fake, false and such like, why does capturing saddam mean capturing bin laden will be easier...
ok - so it seems my mind IS pretty busy! i don't even have any idea why it's working over time! trouble i find, is i get an idea and tend to run with it - like the d&d adventure i am writing... i've got loads of notes, a few maps, and more ideas knocking through my head - but i don't know if i will ever run the game. and i try to second guess what the players might do. if i put in events a and b with monster x, what if the party try this, or that, or the other.
hmmm, my eyesight is starting to blur - a good sign the pills are working - and i am using my backspace key more than before! hehe do i feel tired? strangely, no. i've tried sleeping in bed - but bethy is in there and giving me a kicking. i've tried the sofa, but it's too quiet. i turned on the radio, but found myself listening to the adverts and stuff....
pah i don't know... time to try again i suppose - if you've read this far, give yourself a gold star. if not, you are none the wiser, so it doesn't matter! hehe
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