spammers get their due...
see, the three old hens, they think they have me. they can post here, spamming away if they like - but i can handle that. the most amusing thing was this email i got this morning from Blueyonder Abuse Team:
Dear Mr English
We at the Blueyonder Abuse Team are dedicated to assisting customers of ourselves against any form of abuse. Our E-Mail servers montior the situation carefully of all incoming and outgoing traffic - that is, to and from a customer. When we notice increased traffic to or from a specific account, we monitor the situation and then take action.
We have noted from our records that three seperate IP Addresses have been targetting your Email address using different Email Accounts, the IP Addresses in question are (I've removed them to protect the hens!), all AOL Accounts.
Our "Alarm Threshold" is (amount removed) or more emails in the space of one hour. At one point, your account received double this amount, and we can only assume that you are being targetted with a DoS Attack (Denial of Service) caused from these email accounts. Having monitored and scanned all out-going traffic from your IP Address, we can confirm that you are not infected with any form of Trojan virus that goes hand-in-hand with this kind of attack. Your computer and home network (2 additional machines) are protected, and any incoming virus or DoS Attack is filtered out by our server software. Since we have implemented the filters, the amount of traffic remained steady for a brief period, and then died down slightly.
To protect you further, the IP addresses in question have been blocked; that is, any traffic from them to yourself is safely filtered out. We take the security of our network Platforms very seriously, and believe this is the best course of action. In addition to this, should your machine be infected with a Trojan virus, or similar malicious code, we have prevented your account from Emailing the accounts in question; (email addresses removed).
If you have any additional problems or concerns, please contact me at (email address removed) or by dialling 150 from your home telephone number.
(Name Removed)
Ahhhh, ain't life grand. AND quiet. So, who knows what Blueyonder are up to now - hopefully just filtering the messages out, and leaving it at that - of course, it'd be REALLY funny if they reported AOL for spammage! hehehehe
Now for the moral dilemma - do I contact BY and say "Sorry lads - they're just crazy obsessed females, you can let them send me their love letters" or do I leave it... Tough choice.
And when the going gets tough - I gotta go shopping. Bet my inbox is nice and quiet when I get back too! hehehehe
Bye girls....
3 Responses to “spammers get their due...”
Must be sad not to get any loving emails... Rotten evil little man named Dan.
tis a sad day for you laddie.... you haven't posted at all..........
I am the child of an Old embarrassing...
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