Another week gone, another week close to Xmas, another week to 2007, and another week of weather that just cannot make it's mind up. It's been busy here at Chez English (Or should that be Chez Anglais?), with Jaysen hitting the big nothing-eight, with shopping being done on an almost daily basis (multiple times yesterday, in fact), and with the mountain of presents slowly being wrapped. Good job really, the stack is causing problems for low-flying aircraft...
England is all over the place at the moment with the serial killer targeting prostitutes in Suffolk, the Princess Diana enquiry saying there is no conspiracy, plus all the random political stuff I tend to ignore. There's sport, there's weather, and there's stuff. But the serial killer is the subject at the moment. Fingers crossed they get some decent leads and find the crazy sonofabitch soon.
On a personal level, things have been going swimmingly - pain from being so damn busy not withstanding. Had a bit of a shaky morning after reading another little baby died because of CHD, in what sounds like a horrific thing for all concerned. On an unrelated note, I also had a diabolical night sleep last night thanks to a squirmy Miguel and a unsettled Tamsyn. I think I almost made it to two-hours of sleep last night. Go me.
But other than that, I am fine and dandy!
As for the rest of you out there, you're busy, that's for sure. But I notice something missing... A lack of Xmas-based posts! Alan in Ireland posted photos of his tree, and Joansy had some Xmasy photos from her trip to the Bellagio in Las Vegas. And I realise the irony of me saying there aren't many posts, and have yet to show my tree to the world. You see, my tree started out fine, but between cats, dogs and a certain toddler, it looks like the poor thing has Dutch Elm Disease. It's, ah, balding. From the bottom up. And we're missing a serious number of glittery balls (*ahem*). I think the Evil Pixie Empire has stolen them.
- Jo thanks everyone for helping her with her debt worries. And an extra thanks to someone that helped us out in a massive way. Saying no names to him, thank you.
- Christine has a rant off about an AOL List of Dumb Music Moves and justifies them. You go, girl.
- Minge is in Bouremouth, sans internet connection or his beloved iMac. I think the pressure is getting to him.
- Joansy posts about how much she misses the kids, even though she'd only been without them a few hours.
- Laney does what any true Basildon Girl does best and gets drunk.
- Lara posts about the loss of her newborn daughter, and vocalises perfectly how the loss affects a parent. Very touching and very sad. And I hope you don't mind me linking it honey - if you want it removed, just say the words and I'll edit it out :)
- China Blue makes more excuses as to why she's not blogging as much, and aside from Writers Block, she's also being sucked into MySpace. Someone, quick, get her out of there!
- Mark manages to check off something else from his To-Do list, plus has to deal with the indecisiveness of his other half.
- Stuart posts Kierans school photo. Bless the sweet little man!
- Other Emma describes her surprise at the lack of a certain persons parenting skills.
- Debbie discusses how certain sounds can push a parents mind straight back to hospital when their child is fighting for their life.
- Gretchen talks about traditions old and new, and things she does in her home for Xmas.
- Paul at Money For Old Rope has come out of hiding once again and talks about his visit to the big dish.
- Tim at The Special Zipper got to meet the Adelaide Crows and had an excellent day by all accounts!
- Nancy posts about her son, Geppetto Brandon creating his own wooden boy - who has a mysterious "accident"...
- Brian has a bit of a Star Wars moment, visiting the desert set (and it's inhabitants), plus is surprised at the prices for the Lego sets.
- Moncrief details his trip to Las Vegas, where he met another gay man suffering from "denial".
- The Girl goes through her experience with the new Bond movie. (Adult Blog warning!)
- Jenny - in a moment of classiness - describes throwing dirty nappies at her family!
- India has a rant at the console industry with their skewed views on Supply & Demand
- Alan from Ireland lends a helping hand to Mac users that want to watch YouTube videos on their iPod.
- Reynolds the EMT in London details how a patient was ignored, while her partner attracted a lot of attention.
- Reynolds non-Ambulance blog posts details on a new Social Application that sounds pretty interesting.
- Nee Naw has a change of scenery for a day and deals with the First Response Unit/Ambulance Car, and how the crews deal with nasty things.
- Matthew starts to wander around the house, and a camera is ready to catch the action!
As for the non-blog-stuff out there, well, there are a few items that have caught my eye over the last week, but due to my levels of being busy, there's not huge amounts (he says as he sees how much is in his folder!). After looking at this little collection, it would appear most of the movie clips are of idiots being idiots, and almost all of them have people getting injured in some way. If you don't like seeing people hurt - even if it's them being dickheads - then skip the Idiot Video links :)
- FoodTube - The chap that is eating his way across China tries another interesting food: Tasty Crispy Sikworm. (Article)
- AfroFly - Eat the pies, smash through the window. Simple! (Game)
- USS Enterprise - as furniture, apparently, though I think it counts as "Ornament" and not "Furniture" heh (Site)
- Idiot: Playing with Fire - Kids pour petrol on a train track, them himself, lights tracks, runs through it. Note how shocked everyone is that he's burning!!! (Idiot Video)
- Idiot: Playing with Gravity - Jumping from a height and landing on your face.. OF COURSE IT HURTS! (Idiot Video)
- Idiot: Blowing Up Teeth - Unsurprisingly, biting down on even tiny explosives will mess up your teeth. (Idiot Video)
- Will It Blend: iPod - The ultimate blender is put to the test with an iPod. Well, not so much a test, after all, this things blends everything. Once you're done, scroll down the page and watch all the other clips. Craziness. And if anyone has a spare £900, I'd like one too!
- (Video)
- World of Warcraft: Expansion Cinematic - For the geeks that like pretty - click the "Stream in Flash" link on that page, and watch the new game trailer. DAMN pretty. (Video)
- MORE Badgers - You know my love for the Badger-Badger-Badger stuff, well here's another. Though it might make your ears bleed!
- New Grow Game - I love these games, and have completed them all so far - this one is pretty easy, but the "Failures" endings are cool too. You win when you see "Congratulations".
- Cool Table - OK, yes, it's just a table. But damn...
- Plethora of Gadgets - A list of seven very cool/interesting/pretty gadgets that you HAVE to have. Sort of.
And yes, this post took me forever to write. For ever.
One Response to “Linkage!”
I feel very caught up now. well done.
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