Yay! Pervert Searches!
I was about to head to bed. I'm tired, I'm hurting, and my head feels like it's doing that pushing out from behind the eyeballs thing. I need sleep - not that I will sleep past 4/5am, but you never know. Before bed, I thought I'd check my blogs, comments and StatCounter one last time.
You know, because I am an addict and all that.
So, I wandered through the blogs, commented, was about to check my comments, when I thought "Stats!" - which are almost as addictive as the rest of it. I like to see what wacky, weird and wonderful methods people use to find my blog. The best one to date had to be "Grandmas having sex" which still crops up (even though I swear I've never mentioned such things. Well, I have now, but you know), but today, we've either got a new leader, or a very close contender.Tweenies having sex?! For the laugh of all things puppet like and for kids, what drives some people to search for these things. What, you may ask, is a Tweenie? Thank you BBC:
They are kids, for all intents and purposes - L to R, Bella, Milo, Fizz and Jake. There are also a couple of dogs, and two teachers (they are in playgroup/nursery). Kids love em, but crap on a stick, sex with them?! So, thanks to the powers that be - ie, StatCounter - I'm showing the world who would search for such things, leaving everything uncovered aside from the IP Address. Which, if you know what you're doing, you can uncover anyway.If you know someone from this part of the world, online at that time, with that ISP, then who knows - you might know them!
So, now I am really off to bed, with 0ddness on #8 at Google for the search string, Tweenies Sex Photos. I'll reply to comments in the morning when I can focus!
16 Responses to “Yay! Pervert Searches!”
oh boy *big sigh*
craziness out there!!
Dan, can you help me put a sidebar link to my ebay stuff on my blog? Is it even possible?
We had to stop watching the Tweenies, cause they were just "doin' it" too damned much!
Strike that ...
My favorite disturbing search that sent some freak to my site was "Obese women using the potty"
Let's take a moment to contemplate that! EWWWWWWWWWW
Good to see you are promoting the greater well being in your little corner of the blogopshere! :)
Mayhem made me laugh! I'm so grossed out about your searches. In the U.S. we call kids that aren't quite teens yet, but are no longer really "children" tweens. Some pedophile is searching for pictures of children and came to your blog. That makes me want to kill someone, or at least castrate them. Sorry to be negative.
I actually came over here to tell you your comments are cracking me up! Sorry I'm behind on your blog. That's my constant problem. I never can stay caught up, but I wanted to say thanks for all the laughs! I appreciate it!
Terri - Yep, and they seem to make it HERE.
Alan - I'll have a lookie-pokie around and see what I can find for you - I am sure I've seen something around.
G-man - hehehe Yep, those damn kids shows after the watershed are just too much!
Queen - Now you've used that term, I'll probably get found because of it! hehe And my blog is only full of the most classy of topics!
Jenny - You're welcome - it's not like I do anything constructive with my time! But yes, no doubt that was someone looking for nastiness on the web :S Castration and a Vinegar power-hosing.
I just posted a comment... what happened to it?
Google is having a mare I think - I can't comment on blogs with word verification for some reason as the images aren't showing!
First Teletubbies and now this! What's next? Poor Dora the Explorer doesn't even know what's coming.
It's a good thing my kids have out-grown the kiddie shows. Well, all but Miss Jess. She is so innocent... I guess I'll have to turn off Nick jr so I can keep her that way.
well I know someone who did Dad, but was not in costume at the time??
well, I just reposted and it's there now.
Hi Deb! *waving*
I think there is probably some Dora nasties on the web... I just don't really want to look!
I'm sure there are pervs out there that will make anything nasty.
My kids don't even begin to understand why we have such strict surfing rules. Let's hope they stay that innocent for awhile.
Completely agree - We've always hammered in to Jaysen about the people on the other side of the screen, and if someone says something about them, you can't prove it. Too many psychos and perverts out there to be honest.
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