
Whooo, just found this and figure it's rather amusing - if inaccurate. It lists the reason for the PG is due to the fact I use the tag "Hurt" over 30 times, and "sexy" between 10 and 20 times. It fails to notice the Fucks, Shits, Bollocks or anything else. But, there you have it, it's official:

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7 Responses to “BlogRating!”

Daddy Cool said...

See the man is just trying to keep me down!

btw Love the masthead pic

Daddy Cool said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Daddy Cool said...

Whoops, double posted and now I'm triple posting to explain that I double posted.

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

Look, Brian is trying to be a comment hog...


I have a G rating... giggle giggle!

Twisted Cinderella said...

That is fun! I have a G rating!

g-man said...

I ended up with an "R". I apparently use the word sex a lot.

Queen of the Mayhem said...

I also have a PG rating.

According to the rater, I said ass once, hell three times, and murder once.

Wow....murder only once...thought that might appear more often! :)