Holland, Baby!

Whooo, Saturday morning is it kids! Up at dawn, out at the crack of the day setting off to the (stereotype alert!) Land of Windmills, Clogs, Tulips, "Coffee" Shops and whatever else they are "known" for.

Yep, in just a couple of days, we head off over the English Channel into France, the up through France, through Belgium and into The Netherlands. Which sounds rude if you're dirty minded. Going by car should be interesting - when Jo was preggers with Jaysen, we went from Home to a place near Rome in two days. This trip SHOULD be just a day.

According to Maporama, it's 336miles from "Basildon" to "Amsterdam". As the crow flies (ie, a straight line!) it's not even two hundred miles, but still, I'm not a crow, my flying skills leave something to be desired and generally, it's not very doable for us. So 300+ miles it is.

Our itinerary is literally going to be "HOLIDAY!" with no real planning. There's a water park, and Amsterdam is only half an hour away which I am SO looking forward to seeing. Other than that, it's just going to be nice to get away from it all. We're pretty much packed and sorted aside from a few last minute things.

This DOES mean I will be in another country for my birthday! I think Monday is the day we're planning on hitting Amsterdam, so that should be fun. This also means that - once again - I will be missing Talk Like A Pirate Day on the blog. Not in person, mind you - oh no ;)

I don't speak a single word of Dutch, but being English, this just means I will shout, make obscure gestures, and make the natives think all Brits are pig-ignorant. Unless they knew that already, in which case I will be reinforcing the point.

Come on the British! hehe

Not sure what web-access will be like - will see what's around when we arrive, as like a true geek, I will be taking my laptop AND international mains adapter. Phone, Camera, chargers, memory cards, passports, drugs prescribed medicine...

If I get a chance, I will post on the blog and check mail while away, but if all is quiet, it just means I'm too drunk and stoned busy to get online!

And remember to Blog like a Pirate on the 19th, or else!!

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8 Responses to “Holland, Baby!”

Anonymous said...

ooh, enjoy the hols! Let me know how the Netherlands is; I'm heading over there for a weekend in Oct to visit my friend Conor; a fellow blogger.

Have a good one.

P.s. I'd visit your blog more often if it wasn't for all your sidebar goodies stretching my connection to the max, and taking ages for the page to load properly... just sayin! ;-)

The Random One said...

I think you should swim there!

Anonymous said...

Have a fab holiday

DOn't do anythign I wouldn't :D

Amsterdam is a gret place you will love it

debbie said...

Have a fantastic time and relax,, I would leave the laptop behind and have a total chill..

Anonymous said...

There's meant to be some super museums there.... enjoy your hols and birthday.

Stuart Wilson said...

Have a good holiday. Catch up with you all when you get back!

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

Have so much fun..
I'm jealous.....


Unknown said...

give bakamaru a hug for me