Another One Down

Apparently, cats have nine lives. Wikipedia even has an entry about it... Well, a paragraph on an entry. But none the less, you'd be hard pushed to find someone that had never heard the saying.

People, in most cases, have one life. Sometimes something happens, and people think that person was very very lucky - surviving accidents or similar situations that, invariably, would have killed most other people.

I have a sneaking suspicion I am part cat. Or several cats. Because today, I used up another life. It's a good job I'm a gamer, because I either use the save-game slot all the time, or I have accumulated enough points to gain an extra life over and over again...

Tam was just in the bath, and I turned on the shower to do her hair, and the RCD Unit kicked the power off in the house. "Hmmm -" thinks your wily blog author, "- must be some water or something on the connectors" So I trundle out of the bathroom and get my screwdrivers.

Tam is bathed, hair washed and drying on the sofa. The bath still has water in it, and the power is still off. So, standing in the bath (of water), I open up the shower (with my trusty screwdrivers) and spy straight away that some water had gotten onto the connectors from a little pipe that was working loose. So I reattach the pipe, take the connectors off, dry them and reconnect them. I then poodle downstairs and put the power back on. All good, no more tripping out.

So I head up, and turn the shower back on. It runs, no cutting out, but what's this I spy - the little pipe is working loose again! So, I get into the bath, leaving the shower still running, pull the pipe off, trim it down a little, reattach it and voilá! The leak is no more. I press the off button of the shower...

And it occurs to me, I'm in an enamel bath of water, prodding a live, running shower, with a metal screwdriver that has already cut off the entire house of electric through a wet electrical connection.

I get out the bath, dry off, shut the door and think no more of it. Well, aside to share with the world what a complete nubcake I am. I really really need to come with my own warning label or something...

Edit: I got in trouble :(
It won't happen again, I promise

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5 Responses to “Another One Down”

debbie said...

All I can say is your sodding lucky.,. you numpty..

Posh Totty said...

Cant say anything .... Im just shaking my head in shear disbelief.

Em's way said...

I can say something .... you T**T consider yourself firmly spanked by an evil midget Mr English, next time I will enter you for The Darwin Awards !!

The Random One said...

Heh, you said 'nubcake'.

Deni said...

Hi Dan, you do have an Angel watching you..Deni