Couldn't Take The Risk...
I got this this morning from Mr Shiny Demon on his blog, and couldn't take the risk.
Edit: I should add, this MUST BE TRUE! I checked and it wasn't on there, so clearly it's not an urban legend! And it was probably on Fox News or something as well as PROOF! And my sisters husbands dads best friend Colin down the pub - well he says HIS mate just got attacked by a pack of rabid chickens on acid!!!!!!111one
"You know the ones, "Forward this e-mail or; you'll never have sex, you'll have bad / good luck, your teeth will fall out, someone will rape your cat, we'll come around to your house and inject you with ebola." O.k, I made the last three up, but you get my point.I just can't risk those chickens coming and getting me... And he DID say to do it...
Whoever writes these things (I suspect a greasy, spotty, teenage, friendless, self abusing yank) is a complete spaz. And anyone who actually forwards them is just as bad.
Do they really believe that my refusal to forward a shitty e-mail will result in some terrible voodoo being sent my way?
And, if I do forward it, are they so sure that my sex life will increase ten-fold?
Grow up or fuck off and die.
Forward this blog entry or you will be killed to death by rabid chickens on acid."
Edit: I should add, this MUST BE TRUE! I checked and it wasn't on there, so clearly it's not an urban legend! And it was probably on Fox News or something as well as PROOF! And my sisters husbands dads best friend Colin down the pub - well he says HIS mate just got attacked by a pack of rabid chickens on acid!!!!!!111one
4 Responses to “Couldn't Take The Risk...”
Everyone knows that whatever is published in The Sun, it must be true! Or the News Of The World!
Exactly! And we just can't take such risks so it's best to inform the world in case they missed it
I have the chickens on standby, don't make me use them.
Or my flying monkeys.
No no, I have done as you asked, so you can keep the chickens...
Of course, the monkeys don't scare me - my kids are sooo much scarier ;)
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