Tagged: Two & Three Things
Tuesday, 8 July 2008
Two names you go by:
1. Dan/Danny/Daniel
2. Daddy
For the record, I hate "Danny" as a name... Even if most of my family still call me it...
Two things you are wearing right now:
1. Blue Jeans
2. Black Tee Shirt
Pretty much what I wear most days.
Two longest car rides:
1. Driving to Italy, not far from Rome
2. Driving to the South of France
I'm not counting the Devils Own Journey to Evesham a few years back... NINE hours to pop across the country.
Two of your favourite things to do:
1. Blog
2. Have lunch with Kellie
I had to edit this several times ;)
Two things you want very badly at the moment:
1. Kellie to be here... *sniff*
2. Get into some form of "shape" that isn't "Amorphous Blob"
Yes, I'm a sad lonely man!
Three animals you have or have had:
1. Sally Dog: A white boxer with the brain capacity of a broken ZX Spectrum
2. Dipstick: A cat that is somewhat thicker than Sally
3. A dead black-and-white fish I just noticed floating in the tank...
FYI: Dead fish is now en route to the big cistern in the sky - via the bog.
Three Things you ate today:
1. A toasted tea cake
2. A few chicken nuggets
3. Some Sweetcorn
I only ate so I could take my meds... Ow...
Two people you last talked to:
1. Ruth
2. Jaysen
I THINK this is right... Otherwise it's Ruth and Kellie.
Two things you're doing tomorrow:
1. Shopping
2. Housework
Yes, my life = predictable
Two favourite holidays:
1. Holland, last September
2. Belgium, several years back with Bethy...
I love seeing Europe. Not really that far away, but so so different...
Two of your favorite beverages:
1. Jack Daniels & Coke
2. Big Fat Mug o' Tea or Coffee (I alternate between the two)
I'm drinking hot milky tea at the moment because coffee is hurting my mouth...
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