A Question For The Geeks

I know you're out there, reading, lurking, not commenting... So I decided to try and force your hands.  See, it's been a while - no, it's been a long time since I committed a deadly sin and rattled some dice, pretended to be a mighty warrior or similar...

Yep, I'm talking Dungeons & Dragons.  However, I'm looking for some advice.  See, I could play with Google, and read Anon75653's review, but I would rather listen to people I know.

So - what's the skinny on D&D4e?  Is it any good - better the 3/3.5?  Is the online-based stuff and DM Tools any better than before?  How different is it?  See, I only ask because I have that little itch, that bug under my skin where I've not role played in a long time, and figure starting afresh, I might as well jump on board the new version of D&D.

So - do any of you out there play it, and can you offer me advice?  I have birthday money burning a hole in my pocket you see...

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6 Responses to “A Question For The Geeks”

Anonymous said...


Posh Totty said...

yep im with Gemma on this one too Zzzzzzzz!!

Krista Long said...

I hear it is easier and not too bad. Of course, anything is easier than 2nd edition. I have not played since 2nd edition, either, so take it with a grain of salt.

This young folks and their Magic cards and MMORPGs. Geeesssshhhh! I kicked it old school and still have some 1st edition handbooks laying around.

Kellie said...

He Hee....... it's a good job I love you baby....

x K x

Anonymous said...

* manage your healing surges
* don't get too frustrated over the new skills system
* and basically, the system seems better if what you enjoy most are combat situations. if you're more into the roleplaying, you may be disappointed. i still prefer 3rd ed/forgotten realms.

p.s. if you end up getting it, take a look at 'discern lies' and enjoy the laugh. get back to me on how ridiculous you think it is. ;)

Anonymous said...

Me too. Me too!

I haven't played this for erm, decades. Well, one at least. I'm coming back to the UK around the end of the year and MUST start this again. :-)

I wanna play. I wanna play!