What Is Dan Doing Now?

Icing Sugar, Milk, Strong White Flour, Caster Sugar, Dark Brown Soft Sugar, 
Eggs, Yeast, Ground Cinnamon, Vanilla Essence, Cream Cheese,
Oh, and salt, but i don't think I put that out ;)
Guesses in the comments section - and don't cheat if I've already told you!

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7 Responses to “What Is Dan Doing Now?”

debbie said...

I was going to say iced buns, then No fairy cakes, then No pancakes,, but the Cream Cheese has just confused me

GreenCastle said...

Some kind of sweet bread? :o)....

Who knows? I know an egg and flower fight with the kids :o)

Anonymous said...

Hot cross buns?

Anonymous said...

Are you doing a new york cheese cake in the shape of New York complete with the Brooklyn Bridge made out of fancy caramalised sugar strands for pimp that snack....

Posh Totty said...

No Idea I dont do baking ;) hehe!! .... But send us a bit when your done, coz it sounds lovely what ever it is

Sage said...

Don't know but am very intrigued unless it is a carrot cake sans carrots...

The Sween! said...

Gotta be a cheesecake twith the cream cheese! Will be round later to sample! lol