The Things She Says #6
Not had one of these in a while, but this is a double whammy, Kellie AND Tam :D
We've got the munchies, and fancy something to nibble. In the cupboard are some Snack A Jack things. Rice flavoured thing-a-ma-jigs.
Me: How about some Snack a Jacks baby?However, that is - shockingly - not the only inanimate object to cause annoyance. No sir. Last night, getting ready for bed, she was also moaning the her duvet had annoyed her, so she wasn't going to use it.
Kellie: No thanks.
Me: Well, there's not much else.
Kellie: I can't eat them, they've annoyed me...
Me: How can they annoy you?!
Kellie: I don't know, they just do.
And as for Tamsyn. Well, this morning, the girls are sat playing on the DS's...
Molly: What's a small bug?Bless...
Me: Think of a bug smaller than you...
Molly: Fly, Ant, Gnat, Moth...
Me: See, LOTS of small bugs. Now, how about a bug that is bigger than you?
Molly: Er...
Tamsyn: A TIGER!
One Response to “The Things She Says #6”
I'm so with Kellie on this one, I stay clear of inanimate objects that annoy me too.
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