Plot Thickens...
So, URL Providing Company called me again today... Thanked me (!!) for removing my posts about That Company, but requested I also now remove all the comments. So, despite originally being told that my personal views are wrong, the 80 or so people across all the posts must ALSO be wrong too about That Company.
On the bright side, she DID tell me that I can say exactly what I want to say, just not on their servers. My "freedom of expression" counts, as long as I say it somewhere else...
Clearly the word "FREEDOM" doesn't quite mean what I thought it meant. Feel like I've been dumped in a box with the likes of the KKK and that Mental Church in America. Maybe I should find out who hosts them... Or even get a host in the USA where I know they won't tell me "You can't say that, it's not nice"
All the posts and comments are all saved and backed up, ready for people that want to see it.
One Response to “Plot Thickens...”
Hmmm I hope your legal advice brings fruit. (It has to bring fruit or it will ruin your diet....)
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