Musical "Monday" #122 - Lightning

OK OK, it's Tuesday, but I was a busy boy yesterday. The only reason I am sat doing nothing is because after several very busy days (Stupidly Busy Days) I am at the stage where I can hardly move.


However, now I am sat and flopped out, Kellie and the girls have buggered off into town to "spend Christmas money" which is code for SHOP! Jaysen is here with me keeping my company, and we have music on chilling out. Granted, he's just washed up and helped me potter around a bit (and, bless him, put my socks on my feet for me as I can't get down there...) but none the less, we're rocking out to music.

I have been struggling for music to slap up on Musical Mondays of late and have been doing them in advance for the most part. Lazy, maybe, but it means I tend to not miss them. Well, today/yesterday being an exception ;)

The Wanted - Lightning was on at the Christmas Meal week-before-last, and is defintely one of those songs that sound better and better the louder the volume. That, and I am DONE with Christmas songs now. Properly over and done and washed out with them. Today might be a "Christmas Bank Holiday" but I'm happy for it to be just a Bank Holiday.

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