We are all aware that simple things entertain me. Look at the blog, after all. On twitter, I follow a sum total of about four "famous" sorts, one of which is the QI Elves, those that gather the Quite Interesting information for the TV show of the same name.
On Twitter, they tweet random quite interesting facts and information, a lot of which is often submitted their way. Yesterday, I found an image that I thought was - oooh - quite interesting, and my first thought was Posh Tottys wee man. This morning while bumbling around online the elves posted some spacey-type stuff, and I thought "Hmm, the elves might appreciate that image too" so I tweeted them a link to it.
And I got Favourited. They have 230,000-odd followers, and I got a tweet on their favourites list.
Like I say, in the grand scheme of things, this means exactly nothing to anything, but it makes me happy, and that's all that counts :D
On Twitter, they tweet random quite interesting facts and information, a lot of which is often submitted their way. Yesterday, I found an image that I thought was - oooh - quite interesting, and my first thought was Posh Tottys wee man. This morning while bumbling around online the elves posted some spacey-type stuff, and I thought "Hmm, the elves might appreciate that image too" so I tweeted them a link to it.
And I got Favourited. They have 230,000-odd followers, and I got a tweet on their favourites list.
Like I say, in the grand scheme of things, this means exactly nothing to anything, but it makes me happy, and that's all that counts :D
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