spring sprunging?

the sun was out today! ok, it tried to snow twice, and spring is sooo nearly here, but none the less, we had sunshine! maybe that's the reason i am brightening up of late! i feel good about almost everything... maybe it's because i am no longer hooked to daoc - not played since early january, but i suspect that is just one of many things. i've once again taken up my resident spot of bombarding the heart lists with mails! hehe

the spine is really sore today, but jo says it's because of the amount of bruising around it. we though the cut went a bit icky, so just to be safe, i had a hot shower, we scrubbed it a bit (which really hurt) and washed it out with anti-bac soap, and then she sprayed a truck-load of germoline spray on it. ouchie.

so anyway - i dug out my old "destination anywhere" cd by jon bon jovi a couple of days ago, and it's been playing ever since! one of those cd's i just sort of forgot about, and all but two songs on it are great! been getting my air guitar groove on in my nice comfy chair in front of the computer... good job i haven't hooked up my webcam back up since i cleaned up the desk!

anyways - tis late, i is thirsty, and only nipped on to check the mail before bed! have a goodun!

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