
A few days ago, Alan and Minge posted on their blogs about Celebdaq. Instead of buying and trading in Company Shares, you buy and trade in Famous People. Now, me and number crunching are not things usually associated with one another. Nor is me and paying attention to the celeb "news" of the world - he's marrying her, she's in a crap film, they are bitching about them - it's all a bit odd for me to try and understand how something that happens in the Big Brother house, for example, can hit the front page of a newspaper. It doesn't help matters that I have almost zero desire to watch TV. I don't watch TV Series - I catch them on DVD. I don't watch soap operas - they drive me insane. I don't watch Reality TV - I'd rather sandpaper my eyes with liberal amounts of rubbing alcohol. I just don't DO TV or gossip columns.

So why am I playing? Well, it's all a bit of a laugh, and I do occasionally read the news over on the IMdB, or glance at my homepage "Entertainment" section every now and then. Plus, being given ten grand of fake money to blow how I see fit? Well, it just adds to the amusement.

So I sign up, Alan says Go, and I start shopping. Some here, some there, bit of him, some of her. Overnight, I made a profit. And the following day my money just went north, and last night, I dunno WHAT happened, but I've made a huge percentage increase in my fundage! Now, 12% gain doesn't sound like a lot, but according to that screenshot, I am up with the bigboys in postion 26,825. Aside from one or two, the people around me have wads of cash, from £60,000 to £500,000.

Now, I would be very surprised if it lasted. I've sold a few celebs this morning and bought a few more, but I have my long-run theory in action. I'm not going into it here, but suffice to say, I wouldn't be surprised if I sank fairly low in the next few days, but in theory, I should make a killing in the coming weeks.

Only time will tell :)

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2 Responses to “Celebdaq”

Minge said...

ONly sell your shares if you have to! Like, if they're really bombing. If you sell someone mid week, you will get no dividend on them on Friday, even if they were on the front page of the qualities for the days you had them. All divi is gone. Often, you make more in divi on a Friday than you did through the week, so think carefully before selling.

Alan Fisher said...

oh, you show off Dan! Admittedly you've got off to a flying start (well done!) but Her Mingesty is right... the divi's are where the real money is. Divi's only count from Monday to Friday so try to make your shopping decisions over the weekend and stick with them..

Hell, why am I telling you this? I'm trying to beat you!!!!!!!