Game On!
Despite the germs, the tumbler-induced humidity, and generally feeling icky, I've made a decision. I NEED to get back into my Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) email games. I used to live for them, posting daily, chatting with the players via mail or messenger, drawing maps, setting scenes - I think back and get a fuzzy feeling of how much fun it used to be.
Towards the end of 2004, I needed a break. I was running anything from seven to ten games, and it got to the point where it seemed to be ALL I was doing. Then obviously things went pearshaped last year which completely knocked the descriptive part of me aside. During the summer I put my toes back in the water, but wasn't ready for it - not by a long chalk.
The last few days, however, I've found myself dozing off to sleep thinking "I could do this and this in such-and-such game", and waking up thinking "So-and-So would find this interesting". Plus, Jo has been using her subtle female skills of subtlety on me with comments like "I REALLY want to start roleplaying again..." and giving me one of those looks that only a woman trying to force-feed you a point can make - arms crossed, one raised eyebrow, pointed look. You know the one, don't pretend you don't.
So today, I've spent the entire morning ignoring the snot streaming from my nose, I've been importing all my game mails into their own mail client, backing up address books, attachments, files - even reinstalling messenger software. I've gone through the lists, checked who is around, let them know I'm back, and have generally doing "paperwork" as it were, matching current players to current characters... OK, it sounds very geeky - and it is - but I like to be organised.
Now, I'm not diving straight into it in the next couple of days - I've pointed out to the guys that next week is the first anniversary, and will probably not want to do ANYTHING then. But who knows - it might be the idea distraction. I can only wait and see.
I've even updated which my friend Shawn (Nice pic!) hosts and pays for the domain each year for me. He's a star.
Now I just have to hope I've not scared all the players away and that they do actually want back in! Fingers crossed!
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