Bloggers Family Tree

OK, it's nearly 2am and I've been up all night gassing - not that I am tired though. But anyway...

You know those "tired ideas" you get, the ones that strike in the wee small hours? Like "How to make a lightsabre" which granted is also a "drunk idea", but anyway...

Wouldn't it be interesting to make a family tree of sorts to see what bloggers regulary (i can't spell that - often) read other blogs, just to see how everyone interlinks with everyone else. See, there is this thing you might have heard of, called The Six Degrees of Separation. The theory behind it is, that any two random people can be joined by five "steps" or less. OK, I am tired and it's hard to explain, but the theory is:

-Me to Minge (for arguements sake)
I know Bob, (1)
Bob knows Rob (2)
Rob knows Barb (3)
Barb knows Flo(4)
Flo knows Lara(5)
Minge knows Lara (6)
Does that make sense? I know...
Wikipedia Article
Balls to it - here's the Google Search instead.
There's also the Kevin Bacon game, in that any actor is linked to Kevin Bacon in the same way - The Oracle of Bacon.

But anyway, back to the point. With the exception of a few, most of the blogs I read, I found through links on OTHER blogs, and people arrive on my blog from other other blogs. So if there was a giant family tree of bloggers, you could see how everyone knows everyone else.

I know, I know - I'll go to bed. I'll see this in the morning and think "Dan, you're an idiot" but still. Wouldn't it be cool to find the six people in the world that link you to someone else...


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7 Responses to “Bloggers Family Tree”

joansy said...

Ok Dan - I'll try, but I need your help. I only know of one connect on your side of the pond. Do you know Victor Lownes? Or do you know someone who knows someone who knows Victor Lownes? Here's his wiki profile:

Dan said...

hehehe I don't know him, but maybe I should get to know him!!

Emma said...

2am!! shocking behaviour! What on earth were you gassing about till that hour????


Minge said...

Cool indeed! Help!

Dan said...

You'd be surprised how much I can talk when I get bullied into it...

I've gotten a couple of emails about this as well, people saying "yeah great idea!" but have NO idea how we could even start to implement it!

mckay said...

it's kinda like a virtual STD.

Daddy Cool said...

I've been cribbing off minge for a while. He must think me a virtual stalker.