Update: Please Kill Me

Women talking together is just too dangerous.

Forget the castration, just kill me.




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6 Responses to “Update: Please Kill Me”

Emma said...

Oh but its sooooo pretty!!!

Emma said...

and the make up isnt showing up!


You look very pretty :) Especially your pig tails!

Becky Suggs

Minge said...

It'll be full drag, next.

Mark said...

Oh my god, you Essex tart you. And you saying I'm "Welsh wink wink" to Joansy well me laddy at least we wear the dress as well!!

Dan said...

I'm pretty! Full drag, well, I refrain from comment thank you ;)

I wouldn't say I was a tart though - they don't make white stillettos in my size. At least, I imagine they don't!!