Switching To Beta
OK for those of you that have mailed/text asking for help converting to Beta, it's a very simple, painless process. Before you switch, you should bear in mind a couple of things. First, it's Beta, which means it's still in testing phase - it should be fine but there might be problems - like my profile image not working.
Also if you're not using one of the Blogger templates, then you wont be able to use all the features. My template came from elsewhere, so I can't use the template editor on this blog. I'm pretty sure most of you are using a standard template, so no worries there.
If you're using anything funky on your blog - like a Cbox for example - then you will have to re-add it with the new template editor - just make sure you've got your Cbox/TagBoard or whatever login details. Same goes for StatCounter code as well, and anything else you've added. You'll need to log in to the various sites to get the code again.
Lastly, you'll need to create a Google Account. Sure it's a bit of faffing around, but now Google own Blogger, it's going to be required at some point in the future anyway. If you've got a Gmail/GoogleMail account, that's fine too.
As for doing the switch, you need to log into your Blogger account as usual and go to your Dashboard, where you will see the following:
Under your profile you should see a Blue Box - click on Learn More, and this will start the process, and take you to the next page:
This gives you the basic-basics - read the info and if you're not happy, click "I don't want to" and that will end it. If you do, enter your password and put a tick (check mark) into the little box and click continue, taking you to the next page...
If you've got a Gmail/GoogleMail/GoogleAccount, then enter the details under the YES box, and after clicking "Switch to the new blogger" it will do it all for you. This blog took just over an hour to go through, while my other blogs were instant - it's size dependant. If you DON'T have any kind of Google Account, click no and follow the instructions that come up - again, very painless and easy.
If you want a Googlemail/Gmail account, let me know - one of my gmail accounts has a wad of invites left so I can send them out if you want them :)
And that's that - all nice and easy. Click on the pics to make them larger, and yes, I've taken out all my details - I have other blogs elsewhere, and this was the only way I could get the process screen-captured. And no, you can't have the link.
Besides, I've made them private now anyway - another handy dandy feature of switching to Beta ;)
5 Responses to “Switching To Beta”
Please please invite me Dan I want to try the new one..What if I copy and Paste my template into text document can I then Copy all my links and extra stuff over?? may be have 2 blogs one on the new and one on the old
Don't need me to invite you darlin, you just need to log into your blogger account. I will send you an invite to Gmail from one of my accounts - probably with an obscure name ;)
And copy/paste the template won't work as it's done very differently - a lot easier, but different. For instance, adding links, you would add a "Link" box, then enter each link one at a time, no hassle, no fuss. Adding the Cbox - you put on a "HTML" box, then put the code for the box into there, click OK and done :)
OK Dan the man you've convinced me to try this BETA version wish me luck as I dive into the realms of cyber space weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee........
Remember - if you lose everything, Blame Jo
A few problems with archives but nothing major YET!
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