Man Flu

I found this today and figured it was both amusing, informative and, well, true. Not that I have manflu anymore. Scratchy throat, cold-in-general, and a bit of a headache, but otherwise, my Advanced Care Practitioner was skilled enough to pull me back from the brink.

Very dangerous thing is “Man-’Flu”.

If left untreated it can rapidly turn into deadly ” ‘Flu-monia” (this only seems to occur in the Male if hours and days of laying on the couch and whinning for hot drinks / food / chocolate / crisps and lemsip are completely ignored by the attending spouse / girlfriend).

End stage symptoms include:
  • Thumping headache from constant nagging of aforementiond spouse to “get up and go to work,”
  • Inability to walk to Tesco to get more food / crisps / chocolate etc.
  • Acute addiction to Jeremy Kyle / Trisha / Jerry Springer and Australian soap operas.
  • Repetative Strain Injury and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome from over-use of the TV remote control.
  • Hemiplegia from laying on your side all day ……
Normally a complete recovery is made with no adverse effects after the batteries in the remote have packed up and the house is devoid of all food / crisps /chocolate and the box of shortbread that has been sitting in the back of the cupboard since last christmas…
I think this should be printed and saved for households across the world...

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One Response to “Man Flu”

Gretchen said...

Very funny, because we all know how Female-Flu reads...