Interesting Visitors

With the exception of stupid, misguided idiots, I love to know who is visiting my blog, where they are from and what they did (if anything) while here. Which is why I love my statcounter down there. Not only does it tell me how many people are poking through 0ddness, but the numbers get broken down for me elsewhere so I can so the general Who, What, Where and When.

Every now and then, I check the list of ISPs visiting, and here and there you can see the people that are visiting from a work computer. Naughty naughty, getting paid to read my ramblings while you should be crunching numbers! Over time, the list of actual companies on the listing has increased. Usually there is a "West Ham LAN" which is Pete - and even though he works in London, it always tells me he's in Manchester. But anyway. A fair few of them I can look at and know who they are, but the company ones always make me wonder.

So I am checking through today, and figured "What the hell", so copied, pasted, highlighted and, here we are! For your viewing pleasure, the companies that view are highlighted in Yellow. The really interesting one is highlighted in Blue.

Yes folks, NASA have been and read my blog! hehe As for all the others - well, I actually have NO clue who they could be, but most of them are usually on the list. I think the one in Ireland is probably Alan, but then, it could be anyone. PriceWaterhouseCoopers is a large building in London right next door to Guys Hospital. The rest, no idea.

And just for laughs, the most common visitors here at the top, with 17 from Las Vegas, and 14 from Rancho Cucamonga are actually three or four people. The Las Vegas two are Joansy and Terri, the Rancho two are Christine and Karin. The rest, well, I've got pretty much all of Australia covered, but can only think of Tim and a couple of heart mums out there. Telewest in Edinburgh is probably Minge, while Telewest in Basildon could be one of four or five people. Everyone else - not a clue! hehe

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10 Responses to “Interesting Visitors”

Minge said...

Telewest in Edinburgh is indeed your own wee Minge.

Please, blog some more about the wacky keywords people have used to find you and other such strangeness. I love it.

Minge said...

Wasn't one of the weird ones something about Grandmothers having sex?

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

I can't even read!! Can I make it bigger?

Dan said...

Click the picture darlin ;)

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

Duh...I just did... this in one day??
If so, I think I better get bizzy doing more housework or something!

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

Could Maryland be Brian?

Anonymous said...

Come on, Dan!! Email me and tell me how to hook up a stat counter to my site....please??

Anonymous said...

I agree with jenny!! tell us how!

Alan Fisher said...

hello, or should that be Marhaba, from UAE.



Anonymous said...

the one from toronto is me. hahaha notice the name of the isp is wide open west michigan. thats kind of funny. told you i'm so close to canada, you can't even tell the difference.