Bric-a-Brac Posting
Once again, Friday is upon us, and for some reason, I feel like I have not stopped all week. Of course, this didn't stop my body clock from kicking me awake half an hour ago saying "DAN! Wake Up!" So, I dutifully poured myself out of bed, shuffled around getting coffee and clothing and washing and suchlike... I've not stopped yawning yet. I believe I've actually woken up tired.
But it's Friday. That means that tomorrow, I will be up at the arse-end of the morning once again, but not have to worry about getting dressed. Yes, usually Saturdays are made for sleeping in late, but not for this chap, no no. I'm taking bets on me falling asleep at some point before bedtime today - probably while half-way through doing something!
Anyways, once again the StatCounter amuses and amazes me with it's junk. One search result last night actually disgusted me which is a very rare occurrance. I've had to send emails to my ISP, StatCounter and Verizon to let them know about it. It might be innocuous, it might be some bastard that needs a good castrations/vinegar scrub combo, but what the hell goes through peoples minds with this sort of shit? More info when I get it.
This morning, I've had another good search return that makes me chuckle. I've always been very careful what I use as search terms, because of this very reason - you never know who will see you:Woot! Search result #2, please take a bow! Of course, if you know how search engines work, and how they search, it's not a big surprise that they come here. It's also the reason Jenny might find some veeeery interesting search results on her StatCounter...
Moving on... The PodCast is slowly coming together. I am having to do it in stages for various reasons, the first being that I can't form a sentance without putting my tongue between my toes and pulling. Seriously, I sound like my tongue has been removed and stapled to my forehead some days. So, I am recording the cast in sections, which means, once I nail the bit I want, I save it and move on to the next. And no, you don't get the "outtakes" as they are heading for the great Recycle Bin in the sky. Hopefully, I will get the cast out over the weekend.
Assuming I can decide on what to call it. Either p0ddness, or p0dd-cast. Meh.
If you have anything you particually won't me to talk about, let me know! And no, I won't say things like "Gawd Blimey Guv'nor! It's Mary Poppins!"
Tomorrow (I think) we might actually have the coveted "BabySitter" and will be heading out to get drunk with Ruth and Paul, which should be amusing. Usually we end up drinking far-too-much and rolling in at 2am, but not before either attempting to cook something, or playing on the computer first. Which means, if we DO get a babysitter tomorrow, and we DO get drunk, then you could be treated to a Drunken Post.
I apologise in advance!
Last but not least, I can finally vouch that Laney is a real person! Yesterday morning outside the school, our eyes met across the carpark, and it was heckle-at-first-sight. Course, I was having a bad hair day and had my shades on, so I looked very cool ;) With the exception of Jo (Duh), Stuart, and The Other Emma, Laney is the first blogger I've met in the flesh!
If I find any of you crazy Americans outside the school one morning, I'll be worried ;)
8 Responses to “Bric-a-Brac Posting”
"Gawd Blimey Guv'nor! It's Mary Poppins!" - That's what makes you Brits charming.
You might be surprised one day. Our neighbors down the street moved to England a couple months ago. They want us to come and visit. My wife's college chums are spending some time there this summer too. And we have been looking for a place to get away for a week by ourselves. One of my requirements is that it be english speaking, England is close enough :)
ph Dan, there are some very odd people out there, and that does not include you.,,
Hahaha! 'Heckle-at-first-sight'. Love it!
I hope you enjoy your night out, and I'll look forward to drunken postings. I'm out clubbing tonight, but you won't get any ramblings from me as I won't be home until gone 9am. Dirty stop out!
England- would like to see it one day...before I'm old and shriveled up. That'll probably never happen! :)
how about a dunken p0dcast?
Oh Dan.. you big silly!!
No need to apologiZe!!
I hope you go have fun... you guys deserve it!!
I have my pretty pink ipod ready for your podcast...
don't be surprised if I pop by for a visit sometime...
I want some of those Cadbury flakes on cheescake!
Just stopped by to say Hi I'm still alive ;o)
Don't you watch the news? We Americans don't go to school! We're too busy being obese and lazy! (hee-hee)
Haven't checked my sitemeter in a while.....I need to see if I have anymore interesting searches.
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