MMail Message

It's gone 11pm and I'm half pissed! Via la Beer! Anyone hit 30k yet? Telly has bloody Donny Osmond on though! GAH!

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7 Responses to “MMail Message”

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

Well, it's 3:48pm Las Vegas time..
and I'm prepared to WIN!

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

I getting ready to cook dinner..and watch a mew~vie with
the fam...
I am going to be a freak and check every 15 minutes!

The Special Zipper said...

30k has been and gone. Now you have the fun of working it out.

Enjoy the night out .. we had our 7th Wedding Anniversary last night and also had a night out .. though didn't do the la beer as we have the bubba in the belly.

Queen of the Mayhem said...

WOO-HOO! Parents' night out is so much fun! However, I have got to be honest...this drunken post leaves a LOT to be desired! Where are the beer-induced offensive opinions? Where are the embarassing stories about you and your family? COME ON! :)

Chance said...

i agree with 'queen of mayhem'. what the heck? thats the best drunken post you can come up with?? :P

i'm also disappointed that i didn't get the 30k mark. oh well. maybe 50.

Em's way said...

DAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNN ( sorry can never resist shouting when someones hungover pmsl

g-man said...

Bummer on 30K, I'll have to agree that for a drunken post there was no slurring or anything. You should go back out and do it again! :)