Too Quiet

You know when your child is being quiet - too quiet - well, this is what they do when you're not looking...

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6 Responses to “Too Quiet”

debbie said...

OMG Dan, she looks so cute sitting in there.. I suppose you are lucky that you have not got a flood in your house, and she still has a head full of hair and not razored it all off

bless her..

The Random One said...

How cute!

Might want to keep your razor elsewhere though, heh. We've had a few stories of razor use from Bekah...

Laney said...

Bwahahaha! I'm loving the fact that the first thing you did was reach for the camera.

Isobel has tried to shave her moustache like Daddy before too, we keep them well out of reach now.

Em's way said...

Awww pmsl !! I shouldn't laugh cos Skye and Garin trashed our bathroom three days running when I took my eyes off them lol but its soooo funny when it happens to someone elses kid hehehehehehehe Top tip keep the bathroom door locked hehehehe

Queen of the Mayhem said...

How cute is she! Junior Mayhem sent a flood of water running from the bathroom when I was foolish enough to leave him in there unsupervised with a the bathtub!

Yeah, they're shining my mom award as we speak! :)

g-man said...

Now THAT is what being a parent is all about, having the foresight to grab the camera! Too cute.