Back To School... er...

Ahhh September, back in my own house, only a couple of weeks from the big Three-One, not to mention Talk Like A Pirate Day! But, more importantly, the return of school!

Yep, Jaysen is up another year to Year Four, new uniform, new knowledge, new teacher...


After getting up at the crack of dawn (after an awful evil night), after kicking the boy awake, ironing uniform, showering, shaving, dressing, feeding the boy, getting out the house and getting to Ruths, we happened upon an interesting discovery.

School restarts tomorrow.

So, suffice to say, when Jo clambers out of her pit in the next three hours, there WILL BE BLOOD!

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3 Responses to “Back To School... er...”

joansy said...

I'm certain that I would be many, many shades of red. But from this end, it's pretty damn funny.

Mary Fran Muir said...

What a riot!!!! Have fun doing it all over again tomorrow.

Dan said...

Joansy - yep, it's one of those things that mortifies you, unless you're NOT the person it happened to! hehe

Mary - I've put it down as a practice run, and can learn from my mistakes of yesterday ;)