My Five Minutes
As mentioned a few days back, I've been invited to be a guest author over on About:Blank. Being a paranoid android, I let the site owner, Jase, know that I will put together several posts, and he can put up some as and when he wants them. That way, I'm not spamming him, and he gets the final say in what he thinks is appropriate for his site.
Because, let's face it, I do occasionally put things in places I shouldn't. Er, no, let me rephrase that...
Anyway, my first ever posts are up on there - nothing fancy or amusing, just a couple of images from the upcoming Knight Rider series that is being made, and a digital camera crossed with - of all things - a bouncy ball.. I kid ye not. If you're visiting my blog from A:B, welcome :) Feel free to hang around, say Hi, ridicule me into the ground if you see fit.
Just need to get my head around the fact that I am now writing for someone else! For all I know, people will hate my submissions of stuff I trawl up from the web, and I won't last long, but I'm getting my five minutes now!
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