Why Oriental?!

I mentioned this a few days back, and a couple of people enquired more about what I was blattering on about. That is, trying to view Flickr is a mission in near-impossibleness. Assuming that's a word. I don't know.

However, the issue at hand is quite obvious from this screenshot:

Now I am not a Flickr user, but I do occasionally have a need to go and browse the pages, though I do find I go more thanks to Claire's photography on her blog. Regardless, I can't figure head nor tail of oriental languages. I don't know if it's Chinese, Japanese or Korean (prolly the latter methinks), but I can't bumble my way around it.

Please - anyone have any clues? OR am I being a complete divvy bollocks and that's how it's supposed to be?

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6 Responses to “Why Oriental?!”

Krista Long said...

Have you tried clicking on the link that says English at the bottom?

Dan said...

Erm... maybe...
In unrelated news, it now works ;) *cough*

Thank you!

Krista Long said...

I am so glad it fixed itself! ;) We all know there can't possibly be any user error involved, eh? Darn Technology.

Dan said...

Clearly the admins at Flickr noticed that one person in the world was having issues with their page, and set into motion a very convoluted plan in order to fix my issue.

Because it could not have been anything else at all!

Anonymous said...

I think it's Japanese. Korean tends to have lots of rounded shaped and circles about.

Awesome Mom said...

You mean you can't read that? I thought everyone knew how to read that language.