De-Lurk Ya Bastards!

Yes, the Hooded Claw. Dark, hidden, mysterious. And the very embodiment of my blogs biggest reader base - the mysterious lurker.

So here it is. Say Hi. De-Lurk. Post a "howdy" comment, let me know who you are, even if you want to use a fake name to protect your identity. Don't use "Me" as I seem to have about a berjillion of "Me" reading. Let me know where you're from. How long have you been reading? Did you follow a link or trip over my infamy some other way?

Even you bastards reading on an RSS Feed that don't come visit, click that link and come visit.

I don't mind if you just found me today. I don't mind if you've been reading for a few days, weeks, months or - for the rare reader - years. Say hello.

Don't make me threaten the kitten. Because I will if I have to.

Think of the kitten.

Edit: Three days to go on my Delurkers week, and HURRAH! Thanks to everyone delurking, now for the rest of you to do it too! Go on, you know you want to ;)

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32 Responses to “De-Lurk Ya Bastards!”

Posh Totty said...

Hi Im Posh Totty and Iv been reading your blog for about ... ummmm ..... years. I know you thru the world of CHD and I am one of your many female stalkers .... ooops I mean fans hehe!!

but then you knew that ;o)

honest ape said...

Hey, I'm no lurker. I've commented before. I even posted 44 things to match yours on a recent post. And you never responded. Never even acknowledged my wittiness. So, who's the arse-face now? That's right, it's you.

mimilu said...

Hi Dan, I like posh totty found you through the world of chd, and have been reading for a while. My name is Lou and I live in the USA.I hope everything keeps getting better for you.

Anonymous said...

Hi, my name is Melissa and I'm a Dan-aholic - anyone want to be my sponsor?!

Randomly clicked on a link to your blog a few months look at me ;-)!

I too, apparently, come under the female stalker tag!


Anonymous said...

Erm, hi.

I do lurk. It's kinda a hobby.

Please don't make me stop...

It's all I have. Sniff.


Sage said...

followed you from facebook, does that make me a stalker? hope not am generally sane (well mostly) and well adjusted individual or so my dog told me once.. :-)

Looking forward to reading your blog, love the kitty pic.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Sarah here. Been reading for several months, found you through LARP friends.

Emma said...

If I didn't just lurk, the only other thing I would have to talk about is how often I am being sick at the moment or how many naps I'm having to take?? Which would you rather?? lol

debbie said...

Oh I lurk sometimes,, well ok a lot,, got into a habit of keeping quiet,, or am I a Danfan

The Sween! said...

Thought of the kitten.....bye kitten! lol

Anonymous said...

Lurker from up north who fell into 0ddness through CHD...
Maybe all the UFO stuff the MOD have just released are really 0ddness lurkers dropping in to get an 0ddness fix???? Ooo there's a random Wednesday thought for ya!

Anonymous said...

I refuse to delurk.

Tina Colada said...

hi i am tina and i am a new lurker here, i found you after joining your bring back dan group on facebook.

Anonymous said...

I'm one of those bastards reading on an RSS feed that never visits ;)

I followed your link from Laney's blog, and have been stalking ever since.

Bah, I hate delurking. >:(

Clay said...

You know I am here Dan... I just refuse to play FaceBook Scramble anymore because you whip me and us Aussies have a thing about losing to the English.

Krista Long said...

Another stalker here. I am not here. You do not see me. I am working.

MrB said...

Wow, people actually commented! Perhaps I should do the same and see who lurks on my site?

Deni said...

Hi Dan, its me Deni from Canada,love to lurk over you...

Mrs. S. said...

I admit it.. I lurk quite often. Sorry.

Gretchen said...

Swinging in to say "Hi"!

Nancy Jensen said...

Awwww...... a kitty! Cute kitty. I'm thinking of the kitty as I de-lurk for this post. I admit that I read from google reader but I come from time to time to comment on my good 'ol buddy Dan's blog... whom I've "known" for over 8 years now! Is that right? Has it been 8 years now? We're like family only better 'cuz we never see each other. haha! We met through the chd world.

And wow! You've got quite a few comments! Too Cool!

Ok, now can I go back to my RSS feed and lurk? I have a wedding to plan, a hospitalization to get through, sons and hubby who are getting ready for camping and I'm trying to post Jessica's graduation pictures to my blog. So if you get a chance, c'mon over and take a peek at Jessica's pictures. Comment too, it'll make her day!

g-man said...

Hi Dan. I have only been recently lurking (taking time off to catch up on real life stuff) Just stopping in to say Hey.

Anonymous said...

I have been stalking/reading since October when Posh Totty introduced me to the world of Oddness by asking me for a picture of my boobs lol

Anonymous said...

a chd mom too. We miss you at the PDs

Anonymous said...

u know i visit,, i just cant help myself,, xx


debbie said...

OMG Dan, can't believe you actually got some lurkers to own up..

Gina said...

I don't think of myself as a lurker, just a lazy commentator,

DafadDdoniol said...

I'm a lurker too! Came across you through the world of CHD!

You can still threaten the cat if you want too though!

moosema said...

Just found you. Like you.

Keep passing the open windows.

Mama Moose.

Little Nut Tree said...

I never lurk!

Mary Fran Muir said...

As they say, who ever they are, better late than never.... Anyway, my kids say that I'm not a lurker but a stalker.

Anonymous said...

Ha, great way to boost comments, arrived via little nut, grew up in Maldon