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9 Responses to “Geddit?”

Lynzi_Loo said...

One of the kids favourites :-), made me chuckle lol

Em's way said...

very good, now I am going to be singing this all day long aren't I !!!

Kim said...

Ha ha, good un!

Kellie said...

Oooh we sing this at school....


Posh Totty said...

Yep I geddit, Iv now got the damn song stuck in my head .... thanks!

debbie said...

OH god,, WHY???? very funny,, so stuck in my head now,,

Wanderlust Scarlett said...

I love that song!

So funny!

Scarlett & Viaggiatore (the Shameless Lion)

g-man said...

HA! That's a good one... although it is stuck in my head now too.

Lindy said...

good one!