A New Sin
In the modern world, the views of "sin" have become somewhat lax. The seven deadly ones I would imagine get broken on a fairly regular basis.
To be honest, I suspect that the "standard" definition of the words are not how they are meant to be taken. If so, I am pretty damn sure I've broken all the sins at least once in the last couple of weeks. Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Wrath, Greed and Sloth are, I suspect, just words to some people these days. I'm not always proud, I'm not often envious, very rarely am I gluttonous. Lust, ahem... Wrath, it takes a lot for me to get angry - but I do get angry. I'm not a greedy person by any means, and there are days when I don't want to do anything and just be lazy. By the standard definition, I suspect there are even devout religious people that break them now and then.
However, the seven deadly ones are not what this post is about. No no, for there are greater sins than these seven. One of these greater sins is "Wearing Socks With Sandals" and the day I ever broke such a sin would be the day I would cast myself out of the human race. Not to mention wearing Speedos...
So, today while taking Tam to school, I was in my own little world, minding my own business and talking to the little madam, when, into my frame of vision, stepped something I've never beheld in my life. This person in the playground I've seen before. In September, when it was nice and warm, he wore sandals, but without socks. He has Old Persons Feet too - long yellow toe nails, dead yellow skin, weird blemishes and suchlike...
OK, they are horror movie feet, but then, I'm not a fan of feet anyway.
Now the temperature is akin to the Arctic getting cooler, he's taken to wearing socks. With his sandals. But then, lots of old people do that, I suppose. But today was a whole new matter - a matter which actually beats socks with sandals...
Now, if you look carefully, you will see what appear to be two different sandals on this persons feet, coupled with socks AND rolled up jeans...

I believe, dear reader, I have discovered the ultimate taboo. Now, it's quite possible that one of these shoes sandals are for medical purposes... However, yesterday afternoon, his sandals both matched, and I am pretty sure that they matched yesterday morning as well. Neither sandal looks new.
Yes, you may question my mental state, staring at someones feet each day, but it's just one of those things I cannot NOT look at! If he was kidnapping children this morning, I would not be able to describe his face at all...
I'm probably going to hell anyway, but this might be the proverbial nail in my proverbial coffin ;)
3 Responses to “A New Sin”
snort, he needs a knotted hanky on his head.
And Burberry.
And a man bag.
Basildon's finest at it's best! lmao
Too true - you DO NOT wear socks with sandals!
Erm, actually, just wearing sandals is a shootable offence where I'm from.
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