Musical Monday #95 - I Like It

I've decided for the next few weeks, that I am going to do some "recent" music.  Last week, I did a new song thanks to seeing it on TV and hearing it on the Radio.  There were several other songs I saw/heard that enjoyed too, and while Kellie was away, there was some she caught as well.

Ooooh who knows, maybe I can convince her to do Musical Monday posts too!

But I digress.  As I said, I'm going to do some recent-ish music that has caught my.. er.. ear.

Starting with Enrique Inglesias - I Like It.  As with a lot of songs I really enjoy, I can't place what I like about it so much, but I just do! hehe

And as a sidenote - a few people have mentioned that quite often the video I post falls off the side of the blog entry.  Unacceptable!  Lucky for me, while I was poking with the code, trying to work out how to resize it and keep the aspect ratio, I found that YouTube have a "Custom Size" tool under their Embed controls.  AND it does the aspect ration automagically!

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One Response to “Musical Monday #95 - I Like It”

Vicky Jame said...

If your phone does not have a new ringtone, I would like to share to you the ringtone collection or right now