
My my, what impressive piles of dust there are here....

All the better to, er... I dunno.  I got nothin' for a change.  Except excuses!  I am honestly sorry that 0ddness has been so quiet, so from the off, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Yes, it's been that long since I updated.  So, where are we?  Well, I still need to blog stuff from last year, which, while being sooo 2010, will still get done.  I will make a concerted effort to do so.  Then there is the stuff from this year to add on to the pile; the combining of households, the school runs of DOOM, the cracked ribs, the arsehole-company making people jobless at the drop of a hat for precisely zero reasons, the Uber-Laptop dying on me...

Yes folks, here in Basildonia, it is all Go Go Go as ever. 

So, here's the deal...  I will start blogging NOW.  This moment.  And start adding posts to pop out at random intervals so you have something to read for a little while over the coming days - though if more and more stuff keeps landing on our laps, then it'll be a continual loop of "Arrgh!" and "Gah!" and pitiful sobbing in the corner.

And just to throw fun into the mix, I will blog about everything in a completely random order!  Take that, OCD...

Watch this space; something might happen.


PS - those of you on mobile devices will be pleased to know I've now "Optimised" my site for mobile viewing!  Uh huh, go me... Who da man.  Granted, it literally involved a sum total effort of "Click to enable mobile optimisation" then "Save Changes" but still, I can bask in fake glory ;)

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