Happy Birthday My Sweet Angel

Today - January 15th - Bethany would have been six years old. She's be in school, be talking, be running around, be doing homework, but most importantly, she'd still be loving life.

This time six years ago - just after 9.30am - Bethy had been born by csection, and we were sitting in the theatre at guys admiring the little moo before Jo was whisked off one way, and Bethy was whisked off the other. In her first five days, the diagnosed her heart issue, added to her heart issue, discovered cancer, discovered the malrotation, and suffered a series of strokes. At two weeks of age, she had surgery on her stomach to untwist it, and to remove the cancer from her adrenal gland. Despite all these problems, she came home after five weeks. The date of her discharge is also one that haunts me. February 21st. The same day she left us.

While she never really grew and was always a tiddler, she was full of love and energy for anyone around. She would cuddle anyone, smile to anyone, and never let anything get in her way. Even when puffed and out of breath, she still had time to smile. The following December aged eleven month - and on Jaysens 3rd birthday she had her first surgery, which gave her something else to show off - her special zipper.

Then, aside from constant appointments with cardiologists, neurologists, oncologists, dieticians and any other specialist that wanted a look, she grew and developed and learned to walk and crawl and generally get on with things, and never ever did she let anything get in her way. Not once did she complain about her meds, having blood taken, sitting still for a scan or anything.

Just before her 4th birthday, we received news that she needed surgery, and at the end of January, just after her birthday we were given two days notice for her operation. Four weeks after her surgery, it was too much, and we had to make that decision...

My love for Bethany has never lessened, diminished or changed, even with her gone. I miss the sound of her laughing, and saying "Meeese!" instead of please, the smile she would give me when I entered the room, and the sheer amount of love that came from her, unconditional and without price. I miss every single thing about my beautiful little girl, and feel sorry for those that never got to meet her, and never got to feel her love radiating upon them.

We miss you, our beautiful little angel. I still see you shaking your ass, every day that we're apart.

Bethy, I love you loads,


The site hosting Bethys magazine article seems to be down at the moment. If you want to read it, you can view it here

And for those that wonder why I always say something like "I See You Baby..." this is the song Bethy used to sing and dance to...

I see you baby.... Every single day...

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22 Responses to “Happy Birthday My Sweet Angel”

debbie said...

Happy Birthday Darling, you are missed so very much

Debbie, Martin charlie and Joshua


The Special Zipper said...

Thank you for sharing Bethy's Birthday with us Dan. Our thoughts are with you ... beautiful how every photo Bethy had a beautiful grin despite everything.

Minge said...

Thinking of you all on this day...!


Flawed And Disorderly said...

My heart and thoughts are with you guys today! She's just beautiful! She clearly blessed your lives despite her own struggles. What a wonderful gift. Until that perfect day when you hold her again...
Happy Birthday Bethy.

Anonymous said...

my heart is with you and your family today, and every day.

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

Oh... that was soo very touching... beautiful! I am in tears ...
she is just the cutest little girl ... My heart breaks for you ... We love you guys ... what a wonderful little family you are!!!!


Happy Birthday Bethy! What a wonderful Daddy you have, you are so very loved! You are sorely missed.

Anonymous said...

Dear Dan and Jo,
Thank you for this post, Dan. Thank you, Jo for sharing your precious thoughts with the rest of us, via your article. I cannot know what you have been through, but the little I know of Bethy has been a blessing to me.
Thanks to all of you for sharing-for opening your hearts, despite how hard it is.

stickola said...

Thinking of you all!

Anonymous said...

i'm always thankful that i got to meet Bethany. what a treasure. happy birthday bethany! i know she's smilin down at you guys still :o)

Mary Fran Muir said...

Dan & Jo,

It's funny how you can never meet someone face to face but still miss them when they are gone. I sit here trying to think of the right words to say to let you know how much you and Bethy have inspired all of us. Words just can't say it. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers today and always.

Happy Birthday Bethy! You still make us laugh.

Stuart Wilson said...

Thinking of you guys (and of course Bethy) on this day.

Stuart, Michelle and Kieran

joansy said...

Wonderful post Dan. Thinking of all of you,

Deni said...

My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family..Deni

Laney said...

Happy Birthday Bethy! I've been thinking of you all Dan, it must be a hard time for you.

Anonymous said...

Dan,Jo, Jason,Tam my thoughts are with you always and I didnt forget you yesterday. Happy Birthday sweet Bethy.

Daddy Cool said...

Thanks for sharing the pics. She has such a light around her.

Gretchen said...

oh dan. big hugs to you.

Working Gal said...

I just happened to find your blog today - what a lovely post.

I have added you to my blogroll - you're my first overseas blog. I look forward to reading more.

DriedPapercutsAndChickens said...


Alan Fisher said...

She has a very cheeky smile in that pic with the black dress!

Happy birthday, B.

Bree said...

Gosh I just stumbled across this post this morning and ended up in tears. I've got three beautiful children and I can't begin to imagine the pain that you all went through. What lovely memories you have though. Thanks for sharing.