Post 800! New Links!

Interesting that I made it 800 posts. Go me :) Anyway, to celebrate this craptasic occasion, I've added some more blogs to the side. Yes, more. I read a lot. And it makes Dan a Sad Puppy when people don't post multiple times daily! It makes Dan even sadder when people go days between posts. Bad Bloggers. Bad. How dare you let real life get in the way of my entertainment!

Still, the more blogs I read, the longer my weekly round-up post is going to be. The more interesting your posts, the more interesting MY post will be! The MORE you post, the better selection I have to chose from to share with everyone. If you've not updated since my last post, you get skipped :D

To the topic at hand. More blogs on the list.

  • - C'est La Vie - Another CHD Mum new to the world of blogging. Tally-Ho and set to spamming a nice shiny blog!
  • - Claire Phipps - Found while browsing BritBlog, she posts amusing stories of her life here in Essex.
  • - Deni From Canada - She "broke" her previous blog, and has managed to get back into the world - if you've got her bookmarked, this is her new page!
  • - Flaw & Disorder - Jenny is a bit of a nut. She suffers from Wolf Crotch and other personal problems, which she likes to share!!
  • - The Little Nut Tree - Mum blogging about her days as a parent and general family stuff, also with the slant of comedy.
  • - Lunas Journey - Personal blog covering general life stuff, but contains Adult references - over 18's only! (Adult Blog)
So there you have it, new things to read! Go take a look and say Hi!

As a side-note: I've updated the Musical Monday post to link all those that have taken part. Hopefully next week more of you will jump on Ye Olde Band Wagone.

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8 Responses to “Post 800! New Links!”

Jenny said...

Ok, Dan, I will try to give over more time to blogging and entertaining you than to feeding my family....


Dan said...

Make them fend for themselves!

Anonymous said...

I found you via Jenn. Ya nut. Nice blog!!


Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

Hey Dan the Man!!

You're not going to be Underwear Girls (Flawed and Disorderly) favorite person anymore ...
after this post!!

You big silly!!!!!!!

Flawed And Disorderly said...


g-man said...

I prefer posts once a day, I feel any more than that and I'd never acomplish anything else. Looking forward to 30K I was 29,495 I think.

lunaKM said...

Thank you kindly Sir for adding my blog to your bloglist.


Dan said...

Mamalee - Welcome :)

Terri - It's all part of my cunning marketing ploy... She badly wants that 30k Prize! hehehe

Jenny - Ooooh yes I did!

Gman - it's true you'd never accomplish anything, but *I* would be less bored. That's the key ;)

Luna - you're most welcome :)