What The...?

So, last week I was ugh, ewww and snotty. I had the ManFlu, and all was right in the world as it started to vanish. Yesterday afternoon around 5pm, my head felt like it was swelling, my nose started streaming, and my eyes started puffing up. Oh, and the sore throat reappeared.

How the fricking hell did I get it back already?! I feel like complete pants this morning, and added to this, I think I have an earache coming on too - I've never had earache in my life, but this isn't a nice feeling at all. I'm like a walking germ-machine - I spread them and attract them once they've mutated.

Feeling rough meant I had a crappy night last night, which was added to by Jo having a really bad night with her mind firmly rooted in hospital with Bethy, reliving all the nasties. All I could do was hold her while she sobbed and felt useless while laying there half asleep and coughing and spluttering. When I clambered out of bed this morning, she was still awake. Fingers crossed a relaxing weekend will sort us both out.

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7 Responses to “What The...?”

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

Oh Dan...
I feel so bad for you...
do you guys have Airborne or Zicam over there??? That really reallllly helps w/ the head cold type thing....lots and lots of herbs and vitamins in a fizzy drop.

and re: Jo ...
Oh.... I don't know what to say...
all I can say is:

I feel so bad for you guys....
like I always say... and think...
I just don't know what I would do if I ever lost my child... Especially after all you had been thru w/ that beautiful girl... I can't imagine the pain and grief.
It's almost too hard to think of.

I keep you in my thoughts and prayers buddy.

Nancy Jensen said...

Here I was going to ask you how things are going with that scamming dude who wants to give you truckloads of money - I just received a similar email and was remined of yours. But all that can wait.

I'm so sorry you are sick - AGAIN! That man-flu is a bad one! And so sorry that Jo is having such a rough time of it. I'm feeling weepy just thinking about you both and what you lived through with Bethy. I was overwhelemed when she was in the hospital and I still have many of the updates that you had me send to all the US groups - I don't know why - I sob just re-reading them. The ups and the downs and the difficult ending. I still have many of the emails of support and prayers for Bethy that were sent to me during that time. I don't know if they would help you and Jo or make things worse at this point. I've been holding on to them for whenever you wanted them - just like I promised I would.

My heart goes out to both of you. You are remarkable people and I love ya. You are like family to us (Karl, Jessica, the boys and myself). From our hearts to yours, sending you some ((((hugs))))

Minge said...

Sending hugs your way.

Minge said...

I feel like a spammer... Shameless self promotion alert!

Please take part in Window On Your World.

Alan said...

Flu jab?

Deni said...

Hello Dan,so sorry to hear that your cold/flu is back....Stress can cause one to be sick,so take is easy,maybe a holiday with your family for a weekend,someplace warm if thats possible...you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.Deni

debbie said...

I stayed away perpously so we didn't pass on our germs but I guess you are Low too Dan and its smacked you back in the face again, you may need some antib's to kick it into Touch, and for Jo, I really feel for her and you it must be B****Y traumatic to go through what you have and when those dam dates come round makes it more harder.. But you know I think you both are doing so dam well,,
