Generally Crappy Days

Yes, I am back and I am posting, though it's probably just a random whine post. The last couple of days have been pretty crappy - tired, run down, not sleeping, having my mind wander off in all directions while trying to get my head straight again. It also doesnt help that yesterday was so manic that I missed one of my meds for the first time.

Let's just say "Wow, that was a fun day". Not.

I woke up "late" for me again today, and couldn't get motivated. Jaysen has been a mission to wake up the last couple of mornings and is feeling a bit under the weather, so it's been a struggle to get out the door. Once I get back in, it's housework, and then I am half asleep mid-morning which is unlike me.

It doesn't help this morning that it is sooo grey and overcast. Supposed I shouldn't have gotten used to that bright cheery weather over the last couple of weeks.

Anyway - I am going to be back to posting on 0ddness more often once again, and hopefully the tone will be slightly more smiley-face.

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7 Responses to “Generally Crappy Days”

Nancy Jensen said...

Feel better! That's an order! Also, blogging can be great therapy, as I'm sure you know... so you just might feel better if you write. Or you might just get stuck in front of the puter reading and spamming our blogs... but at any rate, at least you will be here with us.

Deni said...

Hey Dan,cheer up,leave the washing and clean up, get a good book and a blanket and go off to a quiet space for a while.oh, and have a nice cup of tea,with a little something in it to warm you up.Take care.

I know this works for me.....Deni

Laney said...

Hope you feel better soon.

DriedPapercutsAndChickens said...

hey you! I hope you get back to being dan soon.
BTW did you see my childrens' where is dan creation?

Em's way said...

I have an idea, why not take upa new hobby ?? ;)

Anonymous said...

Know how you feel, me dear. Hope you feel better soon :-D

Queen of the Mayhem said...

I hope you feel better soon! The weather always has a profound effect on my mood!