Things To Do When Bored

Have an inch of needle followed by an inch of piercing pushed through the eyebrow. And yep, it did sting!

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7 Responses to “Things To Do When Bored”

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

uh.. muh.. gawd...

ewwwww... that makes me feel squeemish!

Mary Fran Muir said...

Are you crazy?!? It makes me eyes water just to look at it. When you are bored you can push it back and forth and roll it around...thats what my girls do with the belly button rings.

The Random One said...

Well, you're brave.

I don't like pointy objects that close to my own eye, sorry.

Anonymous said...

Owww. Can't really say anything because I once had my tongue done, but seeing that still makes me feel a little faint. Suits ya, though :-)

DriedPapercutsAndChickens said...


g-man said...

I bet it did hurt. Do you have any others?

Nancy Jensen said...

You just can't be left alone for two seconds, can you?!

Dang! Bring back the tongue piercing too! Oh wait, you swallow those... I am so surprised that you didn't poke your eye out since you are so clumsy and all... lol Of course the 'mom' in me says to be sure and watch for infection... but you know about that already.

Also, thanks for the birthday wishes for Miss Jess. :-D