
I love boobies. There's no other way to put it really. I used to be a leg-and-bum man, but I have shifted upwards in my taste. (Oo-er!)

This morning while I was reading my blogs, I came across a post by G-Man discussing the joys of them. Of course, it's all in very good taste - October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and taking his lead, I decided to celebrate the joy of the mammaries.

A little later on, while still reading, I found another boobies post by Luna (be warned, hers is an adult blog), and she is donating $0.25 for each picture of boobies that are posted to support here. So, here we have Jo's chest to start!

Update! Due the enormous, er... support, being flashed shown, I've decided to also donate for each pair of boobies I get sent to me. I'm not entirely sure HOW MUCH as yet, but it will likely be something like fifty pence per pair, maybe a bit less if I get completely overwhelmed. People have been asking me "the rules", and all I ask is that you take the picture for this purpose. Not "this is me six months ago on the beach", but "I took this between hoovering the lounge and plucking my eyebrows". Size (of the picture!) is a case of "bigger is better" so the images come up the same size and can be *cough* viewed nicely. You can do a cleavage shot, a bra shot, a spaghetti-string top, or, if you're that brave, something very tiny or nothing at all. Go for broke. You won't get any complaints from anyone ;) I'm also going to make little icons for your Blog/Facebook/MySpace/Forums or whatever to say you "donated" your breasts for the cause!

Another Update: due to popular demand, the breast cancer survivors have been moved to the TOP of the pile. More power to those girls, probably the bravest people on here, end of story.

So, without more ado - boobies for breast cancer awareness!

Kathy - Breast Cancer Survivor!

Alyce (Breast Cancer Survivor!)

So, at the risk of sounding like a dirty old man, upload your photos, let Luna know, and raise more money for Breast Cancer Awareness! This post will stay at the top of the blog throughout October for pervy reasons support ;)

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25 Responses to “Boobs!”

Anonymous said...

there we go then

Dan said...

Of course - *everyone* loves boobies!!

I probably have other photos on my phone too! hehe

And thank you Daisy! I knew I could count on you x

g-man said...

Well thanks for keeping it going :) We all should do our part ;) Your not a perv just civic minded!


okay, so i posted my boobies...had to keep it a little clean - it is a family blog...

Dan said...

Gman - It's a hard job ;)

Becky - Yay!

Laney said...

I'm not entirely sure that the world is ready to see my cleavage.

Dan said...

The world - that's your call, but the readers here - Yes!! hehe

Anonymous said...

Dan my love the world could not handle my cleavage and therefore I will keep it under wraps as I do not want to scare people. Love ya tho xx

Dan said...

Well, if you say so gorgeous - while I am quite sure I could cope, I will take your word on it ;)

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

*shakes head*

lunaKM said...

I'm so thrilled to see all these lovely boobies!! As encouragement, I'd like to say that my blogger friend ginny has agreed to match the amount of donations at the end of the month!

Anonymous said...

I just came across your blog...I'll look in the drawer for pictues!!!
Need a laugh?
I'm trying to get my site "out there".
Pam 'Oh Da Woods

Laney said...

Dan, this is very strange, but that last comment under my name wasn't actually me. You have an imposter. I do love ya though! LOL

Dan said...

hehe actually, that's Lane, not Laney ;) Lane is another one of these crazies that loves me! hehe

She won't be sending me her boobies, so at least someone with Lane in their name should... *hint hint*

debbie said...

Dan, I am conviced you are just a Perv and love the attention from the ladies,, oh before you start i never said I was a lady!! Female yes, Lady NO

but love you too tho

Anonymous said...

Hi Laney

Yes I am another Lane and Dan is my crazy stalker! Hope ur good. I also find it strange as my other half is called Pete too.

Laney said...

How weird! You must attract 'em Dan!

Em's way said...

Posting fom a hotel room somewhee in the Black Country, just checking up onou buuhahahaha w ae your crazed stalkers hehehe

Emma and Kymm

DriedPapercutsAndChickens said...

Ya know, tiggs has a blog with her post surgery pics on it......

g-man said...

I must say that this post just keeps getting better and better :)

Dan said...

This post will be kept forever as The Best Blog Post In The World.

Nancy Jensen said...

I'm much too shy to send you a picture of mine, but we had a friend come to Jessica's birthday party who was letting it all hang out... funny thing... Karl took a picture of this gal holding her 6 week-old baby but the picture is mostly boobies... I wonder if that was intentional? LOL! I could send you that picture!

Nancy Jensen said...

I didn't know that Tiggs has a blog!

And Dan... I'm getting tired of your word verification. It would be one thing if they were actual WORDS... but they are random letters and numbers. Such a waste of my time! ;-P

Dan said...

Because this is my blog, I don't have to do word verification... and there are NO numbers, so you're clearly fibbing ;)

Nancy Jensen said...

no numbers?

Well, no wonder I keep getting it wrong! ;)