Musical Monday #143 - Everlong

Yes yes yes, bad Dan, not posting on his blog again. Blah blah blah excuse blah blah tired blah busy etc etc. Get over it.

However, I have been punched to post reminded that there are plenty of people out there that love my inane ramblings/pissed-off rants/pointless observations in the world. And that I should post more often.

So, being that it's Monday, I figured I'd do a Musical Monday post. A song that - as I write this - is blasting out of my speakers.

There aren't many bands that consistently release decent proper rock tracks - not that Nu Metal stuff that wants to be rock but really really isn't. The Foo Fighters, however, are one of the bands that DO release bloody good music. I actually struggled with which of their songs to do today, but settled on this one.

I don't know what it is about it, but Everlong is what I consider to be a song I can listen to repeatedly.

So turn up your proverbial speakers, and blast this out. Preferably while doing something that needs music to help get over and done with!

The Foo Fighters - Everlong

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