Face/Off Friday #1 - Freaky Mascot vs. Freaky Mascot

So, here we are with the first Face/Off Friday! What is Face/Off Friday? Simple - you post two things that are related to one another, and then let you - the readers - decide which is better. It can be any two things, just so long as they are related. Quantum Physics vs. That Brick Over There is just too odd. Post however you like - videos, picture, links, and then let your readers comment or click their votes. Once and for all, those questions will be answered. And no copping out - you have to chose one or the other. None of this "Neither" or "Both" milarky.

And so, on with it!

I will add at this point, I HAD made a very nice "Original Song vs. Cover Song" Face/Off ready - all laid out nicely, video clips and so on.. But someone at YouTube decided the original was a Copyright Violation and removed it. The bastards. So now you get this mediocre Face/Off Friday post.

There are few things that are creepier in the world, and when companies start using creepy things for their advertising, you have to wonder where their executives are at. So, here is the ultimate question.

Which is scarier?

Crazy-Ass King, or Freaky-Ass Clown?

So, study the freaks, and decide which you think is Worse, placing your vote in the comment section. Monday morning, I will announce once and for all which is worse, the King, or the Clown. Remember, you cannot choose both or neither!

Voting So Far (Updated when I get a second):
- Crazy-Ass King: 13
- Crazy-Ass Clown: 3

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13 Responses to “Face/Off Friday #1 - Freaky Mascot vs. Freaky Mascot”

Anonymous said...

The King is far worse than the Clown!

The Special Zipper said...

It's got to be the king (especially as I haven't seen this creepy man before).

g-man said...

They are both freaky, but the king wins out.

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

Oh. My. Gawd.

It's the King for sure...

Ronald McDonald has never scared me... or bothered me...

plus I have a special place in my heart for the Ronald McDonald House....

Funny you post this, I've always been weirded out about that freaky KING!

But really.. I think that stupid Paris Hilton washing that car practically nekid is freaky for a hamburger join.

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

hamburger JOINT! I will never go to Carl's Jr b/c of that ridiculous commercial.

Laney said...

We don't really have The King over here, but I know from my online friends over in the US, that the freaky-ass king gives them all nightmares, so I'm voting KING!

Em's way said...

King definitly, that is soooo freaky as to be outta sight !!

Anonymous said...

The King appears to be drooling in that picture. He's creeepy.

Nancy Jensen said...

That big-headed king that sneaks around and peeks through people's windows is definitely creepier.

Ronald has never been scary and he provides the Ronald McDonald House. What has the King ever done for us?

Nancy Jensen said...

Oh yeah, Karl just reminded me that the King is in your bed when you wake up! Now if that's not creepy, I don't know what is.

I hate those commercials.

Nancy Jensen said...

Karl and Jessica say that the Burger King dude is creepier but Brandon and Austin say Ronald is. So there are 4 more votes for you. Although my two younger sons are probably saying Ronald because they have to be different than the rest of us. ha! Teenagers...

Mary Fran Muir said...

Yikes, the king give me the heebeegeebees! Ronny McDonny (thats what we called him when we were kids) is always cool!

The Random One said...


Commercials are O_O freaaaaky...