Coming Down The Tubes

One of my hobbies has to be browsing through my StatCounter. Sometimes, I am met with all kinds of weird and wonderful search terms of how Mr Smith-McWeirdo managed to stumble upon my blog, be it obscure porn references, or just down right peculiar stuff.

Sadly, this isn't one of those posts. I know, I miss them too, but I think people have stopped poking around for Nan Porn and stuff... Either that, or they got sick of seeing their IP Address emblazoned for all to see!

My Boobs post from October still generates traffic which I am pleased with - it's amazing how many people find me while looking for breasts. What can I say, everyone loves boobies. If I put my mind to it, I could also find out which pair generates the most traffic to see who has the best pair, but I think that's something I should judge in person really...

No, this post is in reference to a conversation I had with Gemma while busting her hubby as to how much he visits my blog while "working". Now, most of us have our ISPS - Blueyonder, Virgin, NTL, BT, Verizon, Comcast - but those that work for large companies have their OWN ISP Register thingiemajigg. For instance, one of the bloggers I read and in turn, reads me, works for good ol' NASA, and appears on my "visiting ISP" list as "National Aeronautics and Space Agency" which is cool to see.

"Look Ma, NASA dun been here!"

Now, contrary to what I reported Pete's visiting to be at, he has actually dropped a few points from #4.

And for those that don't know, Mr Peter works for West Ham United Football Club, as represented on the list at #7. Out of the last 500 visitors to my blog, he ranked in at 7, with seventeen visits. To put that more into perspective, #6 on the list is BT-Central-Plus, and covers 11 individuals. #5, NTL Luton is 4 different individuals. Granted, Tmobile is 1 person also bored at work checking up on me by her mobile phone. Even #8 on the list, Netspace, is made up of 6 different people.

So there you have it Gemma, when Peter says "I had a hard day at work" what he means is, "I had a hard day playing on the internet, where's my dinner you pregnant wench". I just checked his log, and it works out to about 5 or 6 visits per day.

Must be very hard working for a Premiership club...

Anyway, have a look through and see if you can "spy" yourself or anyone you know ;) Bear in mind, that is everyone with two visits or more, and it only saves the last 500 on my log.

And more importantly, Google Inc have been here too! Hi Google! Send me a supercomputer please and I will love you forever and talk about how great you are! hehe

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8 Responses to “Coming Down The Tubes”

Stuart Wilson said...
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Stuart Wilson said...

Hmmm.. AOL UK 4th from the bottom...

I wonder if thats me??

(I did at first think I was 2nd - beating Petes 4th position -, but since when I have lived in Reston. Virginia!)

The Random One said...

I see me... :X

gemgems said...

Peter said he might pop on now and again but he doesnt stay very long (seconds perhaps). I think he is lying and doing nowt at work.

He would DARE ask where his dinner was, call me a whale or a wench so nah nah nah nah

Adullamite said...

So how come I don't appear?
Preferential treatment for all the rest huh?

I'm off in a huff!

Anonymous said...

I also see myself, unless there are loads of other people from Worcester reading your blog?

Unknown said...

i'm the new jersey one.

Krista Long said...

I don't show up either, although I am a faithful reader ;) I know it is that dastardly- um, I mean wonderful Google Reader's fault. (Do you think they saw that? I don't want to lose my cred with them)